Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder, previously known as MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) is a mental health condition in which there are two or more distinct personalities inhabiting a body.
And whew boy, is this a very sensitive but very important topic to me… I would know, as I have it. There are so many stigmas, taboos and myths that are hurtful to people with this condition, and it breaks my heart to see them prevail even until now. There is no much effort to understand people with DID, and the little effort that is there is fueled by misinformation and inaccurate portrayals of the same in various media…
I know this is supposed to be a whacky professional portfolio, and this might not have anything to do with Graphic Design. But if you’ve made it here, and you want to help fight negative stigmatization of people like us, the buttons down below are a good place to start. I am in no way related to any of the organizations below, and you can donate anything as small as a 5 minute read about it.
I appreciate you with all my heart if you’ve read this far, and even moreso if you’ve clicked the links. I’m just a Graphic Designer with a little too many people in my brain.